New Zealand Weather in March

New Zealand Weather in March: Packing for the Four Seasons in a Day!

March in New Zealand is that amusing friend who can’t decide if they are hot or cold—literally. As the first month of autumn, it’s the season’s way of gently breaking up with summer. You’ll find me swapping my shorts for a light jacket and debating whether it’s cool enough for that hipster scarf or not. The temperatures are like a delightful mystery bag, sometimes giving me balmy summer vibes and other times reminding me to keep that umbrella handy.

Let me tell you, it’s a sweet time to bask in New Zealand’s splendor without the buzz of peak tourist season. I take my camera out and it’s all, “Oh, look at that crisp golden leaf posing on the velvety green grass!” The weather has this chill demeanor that invites you for long walks or cozy café expeditions. It’s also the season’s way of nudging you to enjoy the great outdoors before winter pops by and crashes the party.

So, as the Kiwis do, I embrace March’s playful indecisiveness. It’s the month where the weather can’t decide on a steady relationship with either summer or winter, and honestly, I find that quite endearing. Whether I’m out savoring the mild weather or watching an unexpected rain shower from my window, March in New Zealand never fails to add a dash of unpredictability to my days.

March Weather Overview

March in New Zealand and I are like old friends – we meet up every year and there’s always a mix of warmth and a chill in the air, just to keep our relationship interesting. Let’s dive into what I’ve observed during this delightful month where summer waves goodbye and autumn subtly says “Kia ora”.

North Island Nuances

In the North Island, I’ve seen temperatures behaving like an undecided diner at a restaurant – one day it’s a warm 25°C, feeling like the summer decided to stay for one more round of drinks, especially in spots like the Bay of Islands. The climate tends to be more humid up here, so if you’re anything like me, you might reconsider that extra layer. But then, just when you think you’ve got it figured out, a cool breeze from the South could send you back for a sweater.

Location Typical Temperature Range (°C)
Bay of Islands 22 – 25
Central Rotorua Up to 27
Wellington Around 17

South Island Specifics

The South Island, on the other hand, reminds me of that friend who always forgets it’s still supposed to be sort of summer. Here, the temperature likes to play it cool, with places like Queenstown giving you highs in the high 50s F (around 15°C). I’ve learned to pack a bit more than a smile when heading here. You’ll feel a tad colder and the climate is less of a beach party and more of an alpine retreat.

Location Typical Temperature Range (°C)
Queenstown Around 15
Dunedin Similar to Queenstown
Upper South Island Around 17

So, if you’re planning to visit, remember this: whether you’re island hopping or sticking to one coast, embrace the quirks of New Zealand’s weather like a rain dance – with humor and a little bit of planning!

Eventful March

March in New Zealand is a bit like that last burst of dessert after a hefty meal—you know you shouldn’t, but it’s too tempting to miss out. From savoring the bizarre at the Wildfoods Festival to getting an artsy fix at the International Arts Festival, it’s a smorgasbord of festivities. Buckle up, folks; we’re about to dive into the spirited weeks of March!

Festivals and Feasts

Wildfoods Festival: If you’ve ever wondered what a huhu grub tastes like or fancy toasting with a glass of gorse flower wine, mark your calendar! My stomach might grumble in discontent, but venturing to Hokitika for the Wildfoods Festival is a tantalizing dare. I consider it a rite of passage for food adventurers—why settle for the ordinary, when you can go wild?

New Zealand International Arts Festival: Overachieving is my middle name in March, especially when the New Zealand International Arts Festival rolls into town. My senses are in for a treat with world-class theatre productions, dance extravaganzas, and music that serenades even the weariest of souls. Wellington, you’re the host with the most, bringing culture vultures together in one fantastic flock.

Outdoor Shenanigans

Festival Season: As if I needed any more reasons to love March in New Zealand. Here’s me admitting that the festival season is my guiltiest pleasure—more arts, more performances, more community vibes. Slap on some sunscreen and catch me grooving to local bands or laughing until my cheeks hurt at comedy shows.

Adventure: If Easter chocolate hunts aren’t extreme enough, my definition of “egg hunting” involves a hint of adrenaline. Bungee jumping, my dear friends, is the true Easter adventure—celebrating with a leap of faith (literally). Trust me, scare away those chocolate-calories with a heart-pumping bungee or skydive, and I’ll promise you land grinning ear to ear.

Packing Decoded

When I hear March in New Zealand, I think of an identity crisis for my wardrobe. It’s that cheeky time of year when the weather swings from “summer vibes” to “autumn chills” faster than a bungy jump at Queenstown.

What to Wear

  • Shorts: I make sure to pack my favorite pair because one minute it’s “hello sunshine” and the next it’s “did I just get a tan?”
  • T-Shirts: Essential for that layered cake look—I’m always ready to peel off layers or bundle up.
  • Hiking Shoes: These are my trusty sidekicks for tramping (that’s Kiwi for hiking, folks) through stunning landscapes without soaking my toes after unexpected showers.

Must-Have Accessories

  • Umbrella: I treat it like a first date—if it might rain, I’ll bring it “just in case.” The weather is as changeable as my last relationship status.
  • Rain Jacket: Better than a magic cloak, it’s my stylish barrier against the inevitable spritz of nature.
  • Clothing: Layers are my mantra. It’s all about embracing that onion philosophy—peel away as needed!
  • Sunscreen: I slather it on. The sun here plays hide and seek, but UV rays can still tag me when I’m not looking.

So when I pack for March in New Zealand, I’m pretty much prepping for a fashion runway that meets a wilderness adventure. It’s the ultimate “expect the unexpected” packing puzzle, and I live for it!

Pursuing the Perfect Trip

March is my magic month for mingling with the marvels of New Zealand, considering I get to appreciate warm days, cool nights, and scenery that postcards envy. Here’s how I chart my chucklesome course through the Land of the Long White Cloud.

Ideal Itineraries

North Island Nuggets: My mornings start with the sunshine hours on North Island’s beaches, get a midday culture fix in museums, and wrap the day sipping local wine.

  • 7:00 AM: Hit the surf at Raglan – waves are primo!
  • 12:00 PM: Hobbiton for lunch – more than just second breakfast!
  • 3:00 PM: Te Papa Museum – where history meets hilarity.
  • 7:00 PM: Wellington’s dining scene – wear stretchy pants.

South Island Spectacles: I behold the mountains, brace myself for the beauty, and then brag to my friends about my autumn hikes through picturesque trails.

  • 6:00 AM: Wake up to Wanaka – morning mist over mountains, majestic.
  • 11:00 AM: Queenstown bungy – because why not?
  • 4:00 PM: Fiordland – waterfalls that weep beauty.
  • 8:00 PM: Stargazing in Tekapo – keeping it cosmic.

Serious about Scenery

I’m always ready to romp through New Zealand’s natural beauty. The South Island turns on the autumn charm with leaves flirting with oranges and reds. I bask in the glittering golden hues during the day, because who needs filters when Mother Nature’s your makeup artist?


  • Mount Cook: I’ll strike a pose with the tallest peak. The views? Let’s say they peak spectacularly.
  • Southern Alps: This mountain range is like the Earth’s natural spine, and boy, is it spine-tinglingly spectacular.


  • Coromandel Peninsula: Hot Water Beach is my go-to for DIY spa days. Just me, my spade, and my very own beachside jacuzzi.
  • Abel Tasman National Park: Kayaking by day, camping by night. Beach bliss meets bushcraft.

In my naturally humble opinion, if you want to laugh in the face of ordinary travel, pack your bags for New Zealand in March—it’s seriously scenic, sincerely spectacular, and silly amounts of fun.

Activities and Attractions

Ah, March in New Zealand, when the sun plays hard to get, and the great outdoors still beckons with a siren call. Prepare for an adventure that’ll make those Instagram filters downright jealous.

Outdoor Adventures Await

As someone who considers the great Kiwi outdoors their second home, I can’t resist sharing my secret stash of activities. Starting with Abel Tasman National Park, where the beaches are as golden as a winning lottery ticket – and just as rewarding. There’s no shortage of hiking trails here, and the views are so stunning, they’d make even the most dedicated couch potato consider a trek. Don’t forget a swim – the water’s so clear, you could play underwater I-Spy.

Then, shift those gears and indulge in some mountain biking; it’s like a theme park ride but through Mother Nature’s backyard. End your day by pitching a tent under the stars. Camping is mandatory when the night sky is putting on a 5-star display – no booking required.

Rainy Day Rescues

Let’s be real, the weather’s mood swings might leave you looking for indoor refuge. Don’t worry; I’ve got your back. For a change of pace, swap your muddy boots for some cozy slippers and explore the local museum or art gallery. These places are quieter, and you can learn a thing or two without raindrops dive-bombing you.

And if you’re missing the outdoors, find an indoor swimming pool. It’s like outdoor swimming, but without the quirky feature of intermittent rainfall. Look, you can’t control the weather, but you can certainly trick it!