Early Life and Education

I was born and raised in Toronto, Canada, within a family deeply passionate about technology and travel. This environment was the perfect breeding ground for my own curiosity and adventurous spirit. Growing up, I was particularly fascinated by computers and the expansive potential of digital technology. This led me to pursue a degree in Computer Science and Multimedia Arts at the University of Toronto, where I honed my skills and prepared for a promising career in tech.

Early Career

After college, I secured a position as a software developer in Silicon Valley, the epicenter of technology and innovation. My role involved creating sophisticated software solutions designed to enhance user experiences on various digital platforms. I was successful and found my work rewarding, but as the years passed, I felt an increasing urge to explore the world beyond the code.

A Life-Changing Decision

The desire for change grew irresistible, and I finally decided to take a sabbatical. I traveled across Europe and Asia, immersing myself in different cultures, meeting new people, and facing a variety of challenges that tested my adaptability and problem-solving skills far beyond the confines of technology. This journey was not just a break but a profound exploration of life’s diverse tapestry.

Discovery of New Zealand

My travels eventually led me to New Zealand—a place that had always captivated my imagination with its majestic landscapes and vibrant culture. What was meant to be a brief visit transformed into a pivotal chapter of my life. I was enchanted by everything from the serene expanses of the South Island to the dynamic atmospheres of Auckland and Wellington. I knew something in my life had to change.

Becoming Thimothy, the New Zealand NOMAD

I settled in Queenstown, which is often considered the adventure capital of the world, and transitioned to working as a freelance tech consultant. This new lifestyle afforded me the flexibility to not only continue exploring New Zealand but to share my experiences and insights with the world through my blog, New Zealand NOMAD.

Set against the backdrop of New Zealand’s stunning natural beauty, New Zealand NOMAD quickly became more than just a travel blog. It’s a resource for adventurers and tech-savvy travelers alike, combining comprehensive travel guides with insights on how to navigate life in New Zealand through a tech-enhanced lens.

Looking to the Future

As I build my life here in the Land of the Long White Cloud, I continue to explore further and dive deeper into what this beautiful country has to offer. Every post, every guide, and every story I share is infused with my love for travel and technology. My journey has just begun, and I am excited to see where this path will lead. Through New Zealand NOMAD, I aim to be your go-to guide for all things related to this magnificent part of the world.

Join me as we uncover the hidden gems of New Zealand, from its vibrant cities to its serene countryside. Let’s make your journey to New Zealand unforgettable!
