Average Wellington Weather Month by Month

Average Wellington Weather Month by Month: A Rollicking Guide Through Windy Welly’s Seasons!

When I first landed in Wellington, New Zealand, I thought my weather app was playing pranks on me. One minute I’m soaking in the sun, the next I’m chasing my runaway hat, courtesy of the infamous Wellington wind. Let’s embark on a whirlwind tour through the “coolest little capital’s” climate calendar, where layering is not just fashion, it’s survival.

January rolled in, and I naively expected to roast like a holiday lamb, but Wellington served up a climate cocktail of ‘mild with a chance of what-the-heck’. With average temperatures flirting with 18°C, it’s less “scorchio” and more “perfect patio weather”, making me question why I packed a portable fan. The evenings, though, they can dip to a fresh 15°C, prompting a mad dash for that stylish jumper I just bought.

Marching into February, Wellington turns up the heat… a little. The city struts its summer best with daily highs averaging a toasty 68°F. But here’s the twist – I discovered that ‘feels like’ is Wellington-speak for “add a windbreaker”. The cool season, however, is when things get puffer-jacket serious, with average highs below 56°F. It’s a dance of thermals and raincoats, where every month has its own meteorological personality and insists you attend its fashion week.

The Capricious Climate of Wellington

Well, if you’re curious about the weather in Wellington, strap yourself in for a whimsical ride through the seasons. The city has plenty to keep me on my toes – from sun hats to umbrellas, every month brings its own wardrobe requirements.

Summer: December to February

In summer, I slather on the sunscreen and chase the balmy breeze of an average high of 20.9°C in January. But don’t let the sun fool you; evenings can see me reaching for a light jacket with lows average around 15°C. Wellington’s fickleness means a bit of rain might crash a barbecue or two, but at least the sunshine hours average up, giving beachgoers plenty to smile about.

Autumn: March to May

When autumn rolls around, the leaves might drop, but so does the need for constant air conditioning. My wardrobe starts its transition too, as temperatures dial down to a mild average. April showers are a thing, albeit with a Wellington twist, so an umbrella becomes my trusty sidekick with rainfall meandering through these months.

Winter: June to August

Brrr…come June, I layer up! Winter has me cozying in thick socks with the thermostat set against average highs around 12°C. The “feels like” temperature can often seem like a personal joke, speckled with rainy days that have me debating whether to build an ark or simply invest in a stronger umbrella. Oh, lucky for us, snow is more a myth than a concern in the city.

Spring: September to November

Spring in Wellington is nature’s very own mood swing. One second I’m soaking up a generous 9.2 hours of sunshine in November, the next I’m dodging surprise splashes of rain. Average temperatures wiggle from 11.8°C to a more comfortable 15.2°C, reminding me to keep both flip-flops and boots by the door. Wellingtonians don’t just talk about the weather – we embrace its unpredictability with a grin (and a weather app always at the ready).

Monthly Moods of Wellington Weather

Well, fasten your raincoats, as I whisk you through the whimsical whirls of Wellington’s weather, month by month, with no umbrella to hinder our sprint.

January Joys

Oh, January! I bask in the summer solstice with days so long they seem to forget bedtime. I’m talking picnics galore and sunblock sales through the roof. Wellington spoils us with a delightful average high of around 20°C. Just beware, as the occasional northerly winds like to crash parties uninvited.

Fascinating February

I’m looking at you, February, with your warm embrace and occasional tropical tantrums. It’s sandals season, but I keep a jumper within arm’s reach because, well, you never know when you’ll get the cold shoulder. Highs of 20°C and lows that don’t often dip below the teens — consider me romanced.

Mixed-bag March

Enter March, where the weather flip-flops more than a politician in an election year. Some days I’m in shorts; other days, I’m questioning my life choices. Rain tries to sneak in, but those sunny afternoons are the stuff of legends, with temperatures usually settling in the sweet 16-18°C zone.

Awesome April

By the time April rolls in, I’m playing roulette with layered outfits, ready for autumn’s crisp high notes after March’s mixed tape. Rainfall? Yeah, we’re on a first-name basis now. With highs still lingering around the 15-17°C mark, I can appreciate the occasional need for a cozy jumper.

Merry May

May gives me a reason to show off my snazzy umbrella collection as the cooler air saunters in, and rain often joins the parade. Average high? Ah, a cool 12-14°C. But those autumn colors? Instagram can’t even handle me right now.

Jovial June

June welcomes winter like a bear hug from a relative you can’t escape. Things start to nippy, with temperatures dangling around 8-10°C. It’s scarf season, my friends, and I’m all wrapped up in it.

Jubilant July

I salute you, July, king of the winter chill with frosts that glisten like they own the place. Average highs? Try not to shiver at a cool 9°C. But it’s a small price for winter wonderland postcards I can post on my fridge.

Awesome August

As August winks at us, I’m still knee-deep in layers but sensing a spring fling on the horizon. Highs creep up to a playful 10-12°C, and winds that send kites on unplanned voyages.

Spectacular September

Springing into September, I’m shaking off winter as temperatures tease us with highs of 13°C. I flirt with the idea of fewer layers, but Wellington likes to keep things…fresh.

Outstanding October

With October, I gamely gamble with my wardrobe, because now we’re seeing daily averages around 13-15°C. You’ll still catch me with that ever-present jacket, just in case the breeze decides to drop in.

Notable November

Hello, November, my old friend, with your unpredictable showers and peeks of summer just around the corner. The thermometer’s edging up to 15°C, while I play dodgeball with the raindrops.

Dynamic December

And ah, December, let’s dance into summer with you paving the way. Highs regularly reach 17°C, and the holiday spirit’s as infectious as my excitement for beach days. Wellington, you’re a box of chocolates, and I’m eating up every surprise.

Wellington’s Wacky Weather Elements

Let me take you through a whimsical whirlwind tour of Wellington’s weather, where the winds howl, the rain plays dice, and the sun and clouds engage in an eternal game of hide and seek!

Wind Whipping through the Streets

Oh, how I cling to my hat when I walk Wellington’s streets! The wind here isn’t just a breeze; it’s a full-on gale force that can make an umbrella look like a mangled piece of modern art. With average wind speeds often exceeding 20 km/h (and that’s on a calm day!), it’s no surprise Wellington is also known as the ‘Windy City’. In summer, these winds bring a welcome coolness, but by winter, let’s just say my face has known a colder kiss.

  • Summer Winds: A gusty but welcoming presence
  • Winter Winds: An icy embrace that’ll whisk your breath away

The Random Rain Roulette

Ever tried to plan a picnic in Wellington? Well, you might find yourself playing a game of random rain roulette. The city doesn’t believe in the concept of “average rainfall.” Here, the wettest month might surprise you with sun, while what should be a clear day turns into a soggy adventure. Humidity levels toy with us too; rain can turn the town into what I affectionately call a ‘steamy soup kitchen.’

  • Wettest Month Encore: Umbrellas are but a mere suggestion

Sunshine and Shadow Puppetry

The joy of Wellington’s warm summers is not lost on me, nor on the sun, which seems to chuckle as it dodges behind clouds only to pop out a moment later. “Gotcha!” it seems to say. Cloud coverage can be patchy, making for quite the entertainment with shadows. And let’s talk about that UV index – high enough to warrant a daily slathering of sunscreen if you value the skin you’re in!

  • Average High: A delightfully deceptive game of peak-a-boo
  • Sunshine: Wellington’s own natural light show

Travel Tips: Weathering Wellington

Whew, prepping for Wellington’s weather is like getting ready for a surprise party—every single day! I’m led to believe, by the numbers of days with rain, that Wellington has a personal vendetta against dry socks.

Spring and Autumn are like my indecisive friends; I can experience sunshine worthy of sunscreen followed by a quick, cheeky shower—all in one outing! They do say variety is the spice of life, right? The average daily temp is rather mild, but if you’re planning your holiday here, be ready to layer up. A T-shirt might suffice one minute, and a jacket the next.

Here’s a quick chart of what I’ve got stashed in my suitcase:

  • Sun hat (for those generous sun hours)
  • Raincoat (because, well, it’s Wellington)
  • Shorts AND pants (I like to keep my legs guessing)
  • Sunscreen (the UV levels don’t mess around here!)

I make a little game out of guessing the average monthly rainfall—thankfully without involving bets. I enjoy the daily sunshine hours with gusto, knowing they can be as fleeting as my motivation to work out.

When it beckons, the Cook Strait offers a crisp breeze that keeps me more awake than my morning coffee. I find the sea temperature rather invigorating—I’m convinced it could wake the dead. The water temperature is another story. It’s not exactly bathwater warm, so maybe leave the skinny dipping for more tropical locales.

In terms of the hottest month? Well, let’s just say you won’t need that egg to cook on the sidewalk. And as for relative humidity, let’s just say my hair’s frizz can be used as a makeshift barometer.

Remember, southern hemisphere rules apply: when my mates up north don their beanies, I’m reaching for my jandals. So, pack smart, expect the unexpected, and come enjoy the wild weather ride that is Wellington!