Average Auckland Weather Month by Month

Average Auckland Weather Month by Month: Your Yearly Forecast Sans the Snooze Button!

As I prance through the calendar year in Auckland, I feel like I’m Mother Nature’s guest of honor at a weather-themed party. I like to describe Auckland’s climate like that one undecided friend who can’t pick an outfit—sometimes it chooses a sunny ensemble and other times, a mild and blustery look. As I reside in this corner of New Zealand, nestled in the Southern Hemisphere, I watch as the weather dances through the seasons with the grace of a daytime drama star—bold, unpredictable, and always ready for its close-up.

January rolls around and I’m slathering on the sunscreen faster than a chef slaps butter on toast because the sun here isn’t just a distant celestial body, it’s a blazing ball of enthusiasm. Who can forget February? That’s when the city sweats out its Kiwi charm with temperatures cozy enough to bake cookies on the dashboard of my car.

Then, by the time I’m flipping my wardrobe to “sweater mode,” July waltzes in with temperatures cooler than a cucumber on ice, reminding me to cherish my warm socks. In Auckland, the weather keeps me on my toes, never letting me forget why my umbrella and sunglasses are the best of friends. But hey, it’s all part of the charm that’s as quintessential to Auckland as the Sky Tower is to its skyline.

Monthly Mirth: Auckland’s Weather Patterns

As an Auckland native, let me walk you through the quirks of our climate – it’s a roller coaster of rain and shine tailored for every month!

Summer Shenanigans: December to February

December starts the sunscreen symphony with temperatures that tickle the twenties – I’m lounging in a balmy 24°C (75°F) average. By January, rainfall keeps my garden green without much effort, and February flaunts itself as the warmest month, reaching up to an average high of 24.7°C (76.5°F). It’s also the peak of my ice cream consumption saga.

Autumn Anecdotes: March to May

Come March, and it’s time to wind down; I replace my shorts with some sassy sweaters. Temperatures begin to fall, with March seeing highs of about 22°C (71.6°F). April showers come to remind me that I can’t pack away my umbrella just yet, and by May, feeling a bit chillier with an average high of roughly 18°C (64.4°F), it’s a sign of the times – autumn is in full swing.

Winter Wonders: June to August

June, oh June – the month where I pretend I’m in a snowless Narnia. Braving the coldest moments of Auckland with the temperature dwindling to an average high of nearly 15°C (59°F). Rain is the winter refrain, with July often being the wettest. I’d say, a perfect excuse for extra hot chocolate. Vacillating winds from gentle zephyrs to robust gusts keep my wind chimes in full symphonic mode.

Spring Silliness: September to November

What’s up with you, spring? September winks at me with an average high of just above 15°C (59°F), but the number of sunshine hours jumps up, playing a game of hide and seek. I find the most delightful rains in October while the weather teases me with sporadic warm days. By November, my flip-flops are back with averages hitting 17°C (62.6°F), it’s almost time to bid adieu to my dearest sweaters.

Thermometer Tales: Average Temps and the Quest for the ‘Just Right’

In Auckland, I’m on a mission to find the Goldilocks zone, where the temperature is neither too hot nor too cold, but just right!

On the Mercury Scale: Temperature Averages

Average High: Let’s talk about when the thermometer gets ambitious. In the peak of summer, it prefers to laze around the cozy realms of 73°F—making me want to ditch my duties and hit the beach. But come winter, it’s a humble retreat to a cool 59°F—scramble for the sweater!

Average Low: After the sun bids goodbye, the mercury takes a gentle dip. On chilly winter nights, you might find me bargaining with the thermometer, which stubbornly hovers around 47°F. But in summer, it’s like sleeping in a breezy meadow with nights at a mild 61°F.

No Sweat: Humidity Hijinks

Auckland’s humidity could give a sauna a run for its money. I find myself experiencing a free steam session, courtesy of nature, with average relative humidity levels making a grand performance at 80%. Humidity, the uninvited guest at every summer barbecue.

Night Moves: When the Sun Clocks Out

Once the sun clocks out, temperatures tend to take a casual stroll downward. Warm evenings in the summer mean I can enjoy moonlit strolls without turning into a human popsicle. But in winter, I’d wisely buddy up with layers on the chillier nights. The night, an unpredictable friend, can go from a soft lullaby to a cold silence faster than I can say “brrr.”

Click here for Auckland’s January Weather and temperature details
More about Auckland’s Summer Weather

Watery Writings: Precipitation and Auckland’s Liquid Sunlight

Diving into Auckland’s weather, I’m ready to splash you with some rippling facts about the city’s infamous wet embrace. We’re talking downpours that would make an umbrella blush, and sea temperatures that invite even the grumpiest of fish out to play.

Raining Cats and… Kiwis? Rainfall Rundown

In Auckland, I like to think we measure the rain in ‘Kiwi showers’. The average temperature ranges nicely throughout the year, but those clouds just love to empty themselves as often as they can. With around 1,200 millimeters of the wet stuff annually, even the local wildlife has considered investing in snorkels. But fret not; while we do get a generous helping of liquid sunshine, it’s well distributed over the months, keeping the land lush and green—much to the delight of our resident sheep and kiwis.

Soaked Stats: Wettest, Driest, and ‘Just Right’ Months

Let’s talk extremes. We know every cloud’s got a silver lining, but some are a bit more… enthusiastic. For instance, February 2023 stood out as Auckland’s wettest month in over 170 years, while long-term data suggests July usually pulls in the lowest rainfall numbers. So, if you’re aiming to dodge the droplets, July might be your best bet. On the flip side, if you’re the type who finds romance in the rhythmic pattering of rain, February’s been waiting for you with open arms—and gallons of affection.

MonthRainy Days (average)Rainfall (millimeters)
FebruaryWhoa-too-many!Historic Highs
JulyNot-too-shabbyLowest of the low
Rest of ’emJust rightFairly even spread

Water Tales: Sea Temperatures and Surprises

Now, let me gush about the sea. The surrounding brine gets its temperature swings from about 14°C (brrr, that’s chilly) in the heart of winter to a much more toe-dipping friendly 22°C in summer. If you’re into surprises, Auckland’s seas are like a lucky dip—warm enough for a swim or sometimes bringing a tropical twist with visitors like Cyclone Gabrielle.

Remember, whether it’s about walking through the city or a leisurely swim, Auckland and water are as close as hobbits and second breakfasts. So keep your wits (and perhaps a towel) about you, and you’ll enjoy every liquid moment under our vast, playful sky.

Blowhard Bluster: Wind Stories from the City of Sails

Ah, Auckland, my sails are never limp in this breezy metropolis! Let me regale you with tales of the city’s notorious drafts. Here, the wind doesn’t just whisper; it boldly proclaims its presence.

January and February: These months like to show off with a flamboyant SW fiesta. I’ve been caught unsuspecting on many a promenade, my hair a tribute to the unkempt styles of a mad scientist.

  • March: A capricious month frolicking from gentle zephyrs to abrupt gusts. I cling to my hat like a lifeboat, navigating the sidewalks with a dance that’s one part elegance, two parts survival.

April to August: You’d think it would ease up, but no, the wind is as persistent as my aunt at a clearance sale. I’ve learned to gauge the mood of the day by how many airborne newspapers smack me in the face.

  • September: A brief respite? Think again. It’s back with a blustery vengeance, and my kites are forever grateful.

October to December: Just when my feet are firmly planted, these months delight in a strong SW chorus line, kicking up to 50 km/h. I can’t help but admire its tenacity, even as I retrieve my hat from a neighbor’s tree… again.

Weather-wise, my compass knows all too well the whimsy of Auckland’s breezy temperament. I’ve become quite the expert in wind direction — if only because it dictates whether I’ll end my walk gracefully at my destination or abruptly against a lamppost.